The 9th grade AVID students have been given the assignment to write an autobiographical essay using a mandala that they have created on their own. (A mandala is a circular representation of themselves. It consists of at least five symbols, items that are unique to that person.) The essay should be about that mandala. It needs to contain at least seven paragraphs, one for an introduction, one for a conclusion, and at least five for the symbols chosen in the mandala. The essay should be typed, two to three pages long, using size 12 font and double spacing. The essay is due January 6, 2009 (rough draft) and January 12, 2009 (final draft). Any final draft essay that is turned in before January 12 will receive 10 extra credit points. Students will have the opportunity to peer edit each other's papers, giving them a chance to both give and get help. Presentations will be made on the mandalas once the essays have been turned in.
Handouts for the assignment can be found on Mrs. Neubert's website.